Greetings, Thank you for your interest in the Fort Harrison Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution and welcome to our website. Our members engage in a range of activities throughout the year that promote the values and goals of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) and we invite you to join us in honoring our Revolutionary War heritage and all the brave patriots who fought, bled and died so that we, their descendants, might enjoy the peace and freedom their valor won. We honor our Revolutionary War patriot ancestors by promoting patriotism, serving our communities, educating, and inspiring future generations about the founding principles of our Country.
By remembering and honoring the patriots who won our freedom and created a new nation, we strive to keep America great and the American Dream alive. Specifically, SAR members seek to promote and extend:
We always have a warm welcome for new members. If you are already a member of the SAR and would like to join the Ft. Harrison Chapter, please contact our Registrar. If you are not a member of the SAR and would like more information about joining the SAR and the Ft. Harrison Chapter, please click on our Membership information page or contact our Registrar. The ONLY requirement for membership is to be an adult male with proof of being a lineal descendant from a patriot who served the American cause during the approved period of the Revolutionary War. Thank you for visiting our website and for your interest in the Sons of the American Revolution. For additional information about specific programs or events, please contact one of our chapter officers. Sincerely, Ros Poplar Chapter President |