Patriot Ancestors Related to Rockingham County
Listed below are the names of Patriot Ancestors that are in some way related to Rockingham County. They could have been born in and served in Rockingham Co.; born in Rockingham and served in another location; or moved to Rockingham after serving in another location. The amount of information that we have varies from individual to individual
William Aberman
Thomas Alderson Henry Aleshidt George Alford Thomas Alford John Alfred Ance Ammon Christopher Ammon Leonard Anderson Andrew Andes Christopher Anson George Argubright Jacob Argubright Charles Armentrout Frederick Armentrout Henry Armentrout John Armentrout Joshua Armentrout Peter Armentrout Philip Armentrout George Armantrout Henry Armstrong Joshua Armstrong Michael Baker Nicholas Baker Philip Baker Sr. G. Capt. Bakton James Barley Sarah Barnes George Baxter James Bean Jacob Bear Jr. James Beard Frances Beard Jeremiah Beasley Abraham Beery Samuel Bell William Bell Augustine Berry Benjamin Berry John Berry Adam Bible John Black James Blain Thomas Bledsoe Burton Blizzard Valentine Bloss Reading Blount John Bogg Thomas Bogg Henry Boody John Boone John Booz Richard Booz Benjamin Bowman Isaac Bowman Jr. Jacob Bowman John Bowman Lewis Boyer Enoch Breeden John Breeden Abraham Breneman Agnes Brewster James Brewster John Bright John Brock John Brown Peter Brown Samuel Brown James Bruster Thomas Bryan William Bryan Robert Bryan Peter Bryant John Abraham Buford John Burnside Geo Bursted John Bush Joseph Butler Peter Bryant Andrew Byrd John Cain Neil Cain Cornelius Cain Nicholas Cam Charles Cameron Joseph Campbell Neil Cane Christo Capplinger Michael Carns George Carpenter Arnold Carter John Cash William Cash Robert Casson John Chapman John Chiron John Chisholm George Chrisman Jacob City Samuel Clark William Clark John Clemens John Clough Peter Cogan Michael Cogar Peter Coger Thomas Collett James Collins Jacob Conrad Stephen Conrad John Peter Conrad Henry Cook Jacob Cook Henry Cowan John Cowan Robert Cravens Bernard Crawford Martin Crawford Peter Crim William Critchfield Benjamin Crow William Crow James Curry Arnold Custer Conrad Custer Paul Custer Richard Custer Sr. Richard Custer Jacob Custer Joseph Custer Henry Custer Sr. William Danby Henry Daring Samuel Daring William Dark Josiah Davidson Robert Davies James Davis Leonard Davis Robert Davis Samuel Davis Josiah Davison Henry Dearing Jacob Deck John Deck Michael Deck Christopher Depoy John Dickinson John Dickson Joseph Dictum John Dictum Michael Dougherty William Dula William Dunaphan John Dunaphan John Dunn Charles Dyche Roger Dyer John Early William Eberman Jacob Ellsworth Benjamin Erwin Evan Evans John Ewin Andrew Ewing Henry Ewing Michael Feasel Jr. John Fitzwater Thomas Fitzwater William Fitzwater Henry Flook Samuel Fortchet John Fowler Jeremiah Frame Lewis Franklin James Frazier Dabney Freeman John French John Fry John Fudge George Fuls James Fulton Robert Fulton Henry Funck Henry Funkhouser Uriah Gandee Sr. Elijah Garten Nathaniel Garter Uriah Garton Isaac Garvin Samuel Gay Isaac Gibbons Mary Gibbons Jacob Gillaspie James Gilliand John Gillison Samuel Gilman Capt. Gilmer Samuel Gilmer Alexander Gilmore Samuel Gilmore Joanna Goad William Godsey William Going William Good John Gordon Thomas Gordon Ulrich Gortom William Grady George Graham John Grattan John Gray Rebecca Green Henry Grider Jacob Grider Jacob Grim James Grimes Daniel Grubb |
John Guice
Claypole Gum Norton Gum Claypole Gunn Sarah Gunn George Gurdan Casper Haines Frederick Haines George Haines John Haines Jonas Haines Joseph Haines Robert Hains Abraham Hamman Henry Hammer Isaac Hammond Isaac Hankie Joseph Hanna Rosanna Hanna Adam Hansbarger John Harman George Harmon Jacob Harmon Adam Harnsberger Conrad Harnsberger Robert Harnsberger Stephen Harnsberger Benjamin Harrison Daniel Harrison Ezekiel Harrison Family Harrison Gideon Harrison John Harrison Josiah Harrison Nathaniel Harrison Reuben Harrison Robert Harrison Henry Hartman Philip Hartman John Harvie Henry Hatter Jacob Havener George Haynes Charles Headrick Daniel Helfrey Nathl Henderson John Henton John Herdman Bethual Herring Jesse Herring Leonard Herring William Herring Jacob Hevener Thomas Hewitt Meshach Hicks Peter Higgins Samuel Hill Philip Hinkle Isaac Hinkle Yost Hinkle John Hite Valentine Hoffman Peter Hogg Michael Holsinger Sr. James Hook Robert Hook William Hook Jacob Hoover Archbald Hopkins John Hopkins Peter Hord William Horring George Houston Adam Howard Laurence Howdershell George Hudson Henry Huffman Valentine Huffman William Huffman Richard Hughes Andrew Huling George Hull Conrad Humble Noah Humble James Hunter John Hunter George Huston John Huston Joseph Huston Richard Huston Francis Irvine Johann Wilhelm Jaeger Andrew Johnson John Johnson John Jones Christopher Kapplinger Frederick Kaster Samuel Kauffman Michael Kaylor Emanuel Kelly John Kelly James Kelso Charles Kemper John Kemper Benjamin Kenley Jacob Kesler George King Benjamin Kinley Jacob Kipps Michael Kipps John Hugh Kirkpatrick Francis Kirtley Jacob Kisling John Kisling Conrad Kissling Ditrich Kissling Frederick Kistler John Kite Peter Knopp Philip Koontz Christian Kouns Christian Kyger Mathias Lair David Laird James Lambert Nathan Lamme John Landes Bowlin Lee Zachariah Lee Jacob Lemmon John Lemmon Paul Lengul Andrew Lewis Anthony Lewis John Lewis Thomas Lewis Jr. Thomas Lewis Sr. Abraham Lincoln Jacob Lincoln Paul Lingel John Lock Ralph Loffuts Michael Lohr Mathias Long Philip Long Michael Lore Emphraim Love Thomas Luton James Madden Johanns Maegert Henry Magert James Magill John Magill William Magill James Maiden Thodosia Maiden James Malcomb Roger Mallory George Mallow Sr. Henry Mallow Heinrich Manger Johann Manger Joel Maxcy Michael Mayer Thomas McClure George McCoy John McCoy Elizabeth McDaniel John McDaniel Randall McDaniel Robert McGuffin William McGuire Daniel McKinley John McLaughlin James McWilliams John McWilliams Israel Meaders Josiah Meadow Francis Meadows Jacob Meadows James Meadows John Meadows Mathew Meadows William Meadows John Mefford Robert Mennis Robert Menzies Frederick Miller Henry Miller James Miller Mathias Miller Peter Miller Samuel Miller Henry Miner Andrew Mitchell William Mitchell David Monger Henry Monger John Monger William Henry Monger Reuben Moore Thomas Moore John Morral John Morris Reuben Morris William Morris Josiah Morton John Moseby Jacob Moyer Philip Moyer Michael Moyer James Mucklevaine Michael Mullin William Nall William Nalle Johnston Neilson Daniel Nelson Jacob Nicholas |
John Nicholas
Peter Nicholas Robert Nieles James Noland Philip None Thomas Nutter James Olinger Darius O'Neil Thomas Organ David O'Roark William Owens Henry Owler Christopher Painter George Painter James Palmer Joseph Parker James Parmer Joseph Parret Samuel Parret Joseph Parsons William Patrick Benjamin Patton John Patton Nicholas Paul Peter Paul James Peace Thomas Pearson George Pence Henry Pence Jacob Pence James Pence William Pence John Pence Sr. Benjamin Pendleton Thomas Pennirey Jacob Persinger Christian Peters John Peters John Pettyjohn Robert Pike John Pirkey John Pitt Christopher Poss Ptolemy Powell Augustine Price Henry Price John Quickel Anthony Rader George Rader Michael Rader Sr. Peter Rader Samuel Rader Conrad Rader Henry Rader Richard Ragen John Rains Richard Rains David Ralstone John Randle Robert Rankin Lawerence Raynes Jeremiah Reagan Richard Reagan Samuel Redmon James Reeves Zachariah Rexrode Lewis Rhinehart Jacob Rhodes John Rice Augustine Rinker Jr. David Roach Johnathan Roach Reuben Roach Peter Roadcap Michael Roarick William Roberts James Robertson John Robinson James Rodgers Joseph Rodgers Chesley Rogers John Roller David Ralston Michael Rork Michael Rorrick Elizabeth Routon James Routon John Ruble George Ruddle John Ruddle Andrew Ruddle Peter Runkle Nicholas Rupe Charles Rush John Rush William Russell Sr. Elliot Rutherford John Rutherford Joseph Rutherford Edward Rutledge Anthony Ryder John Rylie Robert Scott Melchoir Segrist John Sellers John Adam Sellers John Henry Sellers John Peter Sellers Michael Sellers Peter Sellers John Sevier John Shank Sr. Thomas Shanklin Andrew Shanklin Peter Shaver John Sheets George Shepler Robert Shields Christian Showalter Jr. George Shulenberger William Sims John Sizer John Skidmore Abraham Smith Benjamin Smith Daniel Smith Jr. Daniel Smith Sr. Isaac Smith Jacob Smith John Smith Joseph Smith Micajah Smith Moses Smith Robert Smith William Smith John Spear George Spikeard Julius Spikeard Frederick Stambach David Steele Lewes Stephen John Stephenson George Stepler Philip Stoops Jeremiah Stratton Zeruiah Stratton Jacob Strayer Charles Fred Sybert Benjamin Tallman John Tate Mathew Tate John Taylor Paul Teter Evan Thomas Andrew Thompson Richard Thompson Henry Thornhill John Thornhill Samuel Thornhill Henry Townson Anthony Daniel Trout Michael Trout John Turner Samuel Twitchett Barnabas Vandeventer Peter VanPelt Gideon Viah John Vickery Philip Waldron Thomas Walker Oliver Wallace William Warren Robert Warrener Asher Waterman John Weaver Henry Wetzel John Whetzel Henry Whisler Henry Whiteman Richard Whitman Michael Widener Archibald Wiggans James Wilkinson John Williams William Williams David Willson John Willson Benjamin Wilson John Wiseman Joseph Wiseman Samuel Woodall William Woodford George Woolridge Lewis Workman Richard Wright William Benjamin Yancey William Layton Yancey Benjamin Yardley James Young John Young Jacob Yount Jacob Zetty Philip Ziegler Lewis Zirkle |